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Yoga (Sanskrit, Pāli: योग yóga) refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines that originated in India.[1] The word is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.[2][3][4] Within Hinduism, it refers to one of the six orthodox (āstika) schools of Hindu philosophy, and to the goal towards which that school directs its practices.[5][6] In Jainism, yoga is the sum total of all activities — mental, verbal and physical.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Raja vajrasanaTheme: Learn Doing Yoga Excersices, How to do Yoga Postures.


Yoga is not only the set of rules narrating how human body can remain healthy and live happily longer. It instructs how to practice what has been told in the yoga theories. The 5000 year old ancient knowledge of Yoga systems can be practiced as a curative therapy. It helps in healing several adamant diseases, which make our life miserable. We can practice yoga poses at home, with basic instructions from a trained yoga teacher. It could be helpful if we can go to a yoga school or a yoga retreat.


Our changed lifestyle and the uses of various machines in our day to day activities have made us doing less physical work. So our body becomes imbalanced in a way by the passing of age. Yoga makes the required correction. Regular practicing of Yoga would help us reducing the fat deposits and keep us fit. If we want to see the benefits which we can get from practicing the Yoga and Yoga Asanas, we can summarise that in nutshell as following.

Types of yoga poses

In fact yoga poses are the comprehensive set of body and mind exercises. The poses or asanas we do can be classified as per the twists they give to our body. The postures which require our body to bend in back side are termed as Back-bends and likewise the Forward-Bend poses. In many poses our body is put in to reverse of the natural order. These poses are called Invertes Poses and wherein the face remains upward are named as Face up Postures postures. there are many simple postures which keep our boy either in Sitting Position or Standing Position

  • Regular doing of Yoga Poses keeps our life-energy flowing.
  • Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice.
  • Practicing yoga Asanas would help maintaining the energy meridians of our body open and in natural conditions.
  • Yoga poses are curative in certain pains like back pain and pain in hip joints. Regular practice of yoga helps to lose weight.
  • Yoga is very much helpful in keeping our nervous system operating naturally and peacefully. The regular practicing of Yoga Asana would render our body and mind fairly in balanced state.
  • Many Asanas and breathing techniques are devised to help the flow of blood in our body and curing the weakness of the heart. In addition to helping the functioning of our heart, Yoga postures increase metabolism and gift us with more energy.
  • Yoga system, theories and practice, can help us in curing or healing what has gone wrong in our body due to faulty style of living. Yoga is a healing system of health care that is based on a concept of the "whole" person as one. It is based on a scientific concept that human body, mind, spirit, and emotions can remain in balance by regular practice of Yoga.
  • [ Raj Vajrasana By Marcocarvalho [CC-BY-3.0], from Wikimedia Commons , Siddhasan By Marcocarvalho (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons]

Monday, April 11, 2011

Benefits and the importance of the Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is known as the snake or Cobras, forms because the appearance of one increased hood. You have your head with your chest is a snake hood. The rest of the body of that represents the body of the snake. This Asana possible the best Asana for your back, as also your spine.

Inhalation and exhalation plays a very important role in this or other asanas. Flexing and stretching your back vary between individuals. Because some has to help, while some without manage even their youth. it comes as is flexible to your body and how much can you turn to the benefit of your Asana.

It has been said that, as long as your back is flexible, you have still a long way to go. Each muscle of the body is pulled and stretched causing the elasticity and smoothness with the backbone. In the course of time the back threw tantrums begins and is very stiff against our will. Ton this Asana your body and other parts of the body this before something happens.

By stretching, the vertebral column shows where your back and with the additional pull entire abdominal muscles cast get along. Uterus and ovaries get slow muscles such as muscles, while this Asana do also weakened. It is one of the best Asana as medicine for wet dreams and Leucorrhoea. It helps when you develop your chest, as well as firming bust due to the increase in hood position.

This position helps create the adrenal glands, which provides rich range of blood through the body the necessary pressure. Liver and other organs in addition to the benefits of this Asana. Irregular menstrual cycle problems can be solved with this asanas. The pressure applied on your abdominal muscles and helps to you to relieve constipation problems. Acute gas problems are also fixed, done as the asana regularly. People who suffer slip disc problem due to the stretching of the spinal column, making it a good toning. Their back pain problems may only see forever leave in this case continuously.

Christian Yoga?

It is an interesting article in the 5 September issue of time magazine.
This article refers to a range of opinions about the mixing of Christianity with yoga. Even if you agree with one opinion goes, it is a good read, as long as you remain objective.

In the course of time, I was lucky enough to learn, practice, or with someone from any known religious denomination; the Declaration a Professor Tiwari at the Hindu University of America, where he proposes to that, "Yoga is Hinduism," so amazing, a scholar. Possibly, this statement was taken out of context, but fundamentalism exists, with a degree in any form of religion.

When some Christians practice yoga to the God want to create a more accurate, it that each of us, to criticize it? Not Yoga is objective, the Union of itself with a supreme being? What's the big deal?

Truth, many fundamentalists are divided about Division-keep the masses, at war with each other and preferably in a "holy war". They fear the unity of humankind, let the power and peace in the world. They don't want to lose their grip on their trailer, so they squeeze a bit more.

So when a Christian group practice "son greetings" or "Praisemoves" tries, you give you pause. Yoga is practiced in a sectarian atmosphere by a variety of different religions. No one has a monopoly on yoga. Yoga is a complete health management system for body and mind.

It is a type of Yoga for all, and some people like a little more than other spiritual taste. Yoga has been for at least 5000 years, there are plenty to choose from.

As for the skeptics, the "finger" each other - "who is without sin among you let him cast the first stone..." It would be best if we all practice a bit more awareness and loving kindness, before we decide to criticize things we don't understand.

Yoga is "out of" the bag. It is no longer practiced by a particular group. Yoga is therefore a public treasure, and a genius, that we will restrict a bottle. It does not matter how many people try to patent, copyright, yoga, it will be exercised in each corner of the Earth.

Please, read the article in time magazine and enjoy it, but take time remain objective. Words to recognize for their motives and hidden agenda. In particular, you remain in good relations with your fellow human beings.

Anuloma pranayama Yoga-breathing for better health

Swami Kuvalyanand once said: "Yoga has a message for the human body for the human spirit and the human spirit."

This is the main requirement for success and happiness in life a truism as a healthy body. People are increasingly convinced that Yoga makes stressful life for good health, satisfaction and happiness in the present and not only an exercise regimen.

In this article we are discussing - Anuloma pranayama pranayama (breathing exercises). Pranayama means simply good "management" of the life force Prana. Although the same, have many different types of pranayama the principle is designed, each with its own unique technology remains. Anuloma pranayama or Nadi Shuddhi pranayama (nerve clean pranayama) is of such a kind and is considered one of the basic forms.

The practice of Anuloma pranayama is a bit like the team that controls traffic on the roads, cares for their cleanliness, beautification, and so on and traffic moving smoothly and efficiently keep. This method uses the breathing in (Pooraka) through a nostril and vice versa. This is why the name pranayama Anuloma pranayama, i.e. alternative respiration.

Practice this, you need to one of the meeting of the yoga postures, sit. First, you carry on normal respiration Moola Bandha (i.e. comfortable anal contraction). A stable Moola Bandha, breath to keep and fully exhale. Make sure that the Moola Bandha is disconnected during the process. Keep for a while between breathing and breathing out. Breathe deeply in through the left nostril and exhaling by law; Then breathe in through the right and the links. Further, minutes breathe in this way, that is, alternating from left and right nostrils, for one to three.

After reaching a level of comfort in this way, you can move to the next step. Close the right nostril with the right thumb, others hold together four fingers. Now you breathe slowly through the left nostril with a uniform speed. Repeat with the other nostril. When the breathing, the shoulders to increase and the chest, extend the ribs. The belly region lower, must however in be kept.

Advantages: the respiratory passage is cleaned and this one is well-equipped for the practice of other pranayama. Breathing is easy and regulated. The spirit and the rhythmic heartbeat. Also helps to improve memory and other mental skills, concentration.

Contraindications: severe pain in the abdomen, swelling appendicitis, enlargement of the liver, intestine or very sensitive intestines, lungs, the serious throat infections, the growth in the nose (Polypus) or blockage of the nasal passage due to cold diseases, etc..

Warning: the readers of this article should exercise all precautions, before you one of the asanas of the site and carry out in this article. To prevent problems doing the asanas, it is recommended that you are a doctor and a Yoga instructor. The responsibility lies exclusively with the reader and not with the website or the writer.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Benefits and the importance of the Adho Mukha Svanasana

If we each word of asana and look for the meaning comes as a very simple word. What does "Adho Mukh" down and "Svana" means a dog. This would mean that represent dog down. This pose is similar to a dog that goes with his front and rear legs. Therefore, that this name on this Asana connected.

Many asanas has its importance and this Asana can be named as one of the most frequently done asanas. As we all know that each Yoga Asana see benefits for specific or hidden problems we us. Most inverted the poses that showed good performance, which regularly can dramatically increase your health to us.

Do the trick an Asana is slow and quiet. Each movement of this Asana should be carried out with a good accuracy. Breathe and you breathe out, while they do Asana, is very important. This breathing exercises help the expansion of the abdominal muscles, which helps rejuvenate our muscles.

This Asana can be similar than the hands, shoulders, hamstrings, calves and feet Surya namaskar. Strengthen all muscles is an integral part of doing these Asana. Because it would be very helpful for women who have problems with their menstrual cycles, you can try with this exercise. The menstrual pain is reduced, so that it is very useful for all women.

It is one of the best asanas to do if you are tired and complete lack of joy in your life. You can restore this Asana that flexibility and performance, that your life missing. To achieve this, regular practice of this Asana with balance and knowledge help a person maintain you happy and peaceful.

For beginners who manage not this Asana first attempting anything else, can try with a rope, a wall or a pillow. This may seem for many simple, but once you do start this Asana you can understand the complexity of which it carries.

A partner which can prove very useful. It can help whether you doing these Asana better. The presence of partners can facilitate things for you, in an attempt, making appropriate Asana.

Adho Mukha Svanasana has overwhelmed many advantages to us. It helps stimulate our body and can easily a positive Outlook to life help you have. A State of peace and balance can be achieved this Asana. While the digestive system is this Asana do stabilized.

It also helps to relieve your headache as back problems and other health issues. It prevents the development of osteoporosis problem. It is also very useful and good for your feet. Like you, headache last avoid this Asana.


Almost everyone has the fact, that when you start up his mind on an immediate object or idea, the spirit experience Rover begins. It is very difficult, the spirit with a single thought deal. The old Sage has found the same problems. In Gita, Arjuna had said that the spirit on the Earth a impossible control. Therefore, he was advised by Krishna, that although mind control is hard, you calm and steadily through regular practice of Vairagya and Abhyasa can be set. He has however, that warned Yoga for people whose thoughts are not stable and controlled very difficult. Pantanjali Yoga Sutra, in has highlighted these two properties achieving mind control. Therefore, these are the properties, the essence of yoga.

Spirit is like a disturbed pond with many impurities. First you have to impurities of the mind stop the influx of fresh contamination and delete the existing clean. Abhyasa is one of the methods for the purification of the mind. Dhyana is one of the Sub practices of Abhyasa. This is a stage, that a person reaches concentration for some time to practice. At the beginning of dhyana, the spirit is more even and only a thought about an object is created in the mind. Now, it's safe to say that the State of dhyana is reached. Here, the spirit is very stable as the flame of a lamp in a calm atmosphere and is intense and complete his contact with the goal of experience.

There are two types of dhyana named Sagunadhyana and Nirgunadhyana. In the first dhyana is attached the silence of the spirit of an experience, with the senses can be experienced object. The second is entirely mental. It implies complete absorption of the spirit itself. The spirit is here, linked to an external object. It is still in this State. This view is still, quiet and sensitive, that no previous, current and future event can understand you that could have happened anywhere in the universe.

Advantages and benefits of Trikanasana

Trikanasana is also the triangle pose. If you look at the asana, you can easily see why this name of this Asana is given. It works every muscle of your body from the poor to the legs. It is a good way, you'll reduce the excess weight, all together, that stable.

This Asana will help all who struggle with weight problem. If you are looking for a good figure and a curved waist line, this is the attitude to do. It helps in the healing of rheumatism and lumbago, a problem with your lower spine. It is a good Asana, increase the flexibility, your shoulders and arms. A rigid body can achieve this Asana in a State of flexibility. It has direct influence on your muscles, if you start to do it.

You get stretched their neck, shoulders and arms. Stretches the muscles of the neck and shoulder massage helps the Bechterew's disease problems. Ankylosing can be named as one of the most common problems of many thanks to the long hours of sitting in front of the computer.

The monthly cycle is at the right time and with less pain. Another problem with the menstrual cycle is corrected, you benefit from thorough. The upper body is also very well watered down. Thanks to the continuous elongation, a reservoir of good health helps your body to be. Problems with your heart are fixed, it helps to function better.

The massages and strengthens the thyroid, kidney and adrenal glands better work. It reduces the production of cortisol, a stress hormone, to help you, less stressed. The hormone levels is very well arranged to prevent many of the problems.

During this exercise strengthens your legs and buttocks as tinted. Blood pressure issues be corrected also. Have the digestion or constipation problem this is the best last thing to help you,. State is appendicitis by this exercise regularly do corrected.

The muscles of your stomach and hip joints flexible. Reproductive system functions better with the intensity of this pose. It helps to create immune to help the fight against diseases a fair balance.

Warning: the readers of this article should exercise all precautions, before you one of the asanas of the site and carry out in this article. To prevent problems doing the asanas, it is recommended that you are a doctor and a Yoga instructor. The responsibility lies exclusively with the reader and not with the website or the writer.

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