If you search web for the yoga and how to do yoga postures you would find numerous links. We are not to add here one of the links. Here it is tried to give a short index of the articles which would let the yoga seekers to know the fundamentals of yoga and how the different types of yoga poses are done. These articles are written in the most possible simple manner so it can help those who wants to know about yoga in nutshell.
This system of yoga is one of the most ancient. The postures to be done under Ashtanga Yoga are devised by Patanjali, who was yoga master in ancient India. It is believed to be as old as 5000 years. This yoga system comprises eight fold path for those who want to practice yoga and get the maximum benefit out of the same.
The system known as Hatha yoga combines physical postures, along with upholding the necessity of moral attitudes that a human being should have. It is a holistic approach helping to reduce our mental stress. The practice of these yoga postures increase the overall well-being of our body and mind.
We have the unfathomable potential of the the psychic power. Tantra teaches us certain techniques using and practicing which we can experience our maximum potentials.
The vital energy running through a coil that starts from our genital area and ends at head is known as Kundalini. The great thinkers and yoga teachers say that it is psycho energy. The yoga master tell us that is spiritual one. In short Kundalini is psycho-spiritual power.
Our food is very much important in shaping the quality of our thoughts. Yoga system strongly believes and advocates that our mental development and spiritual uplift is linked with the food we consume.
India is the birth place of many system of yoga and yoga postures. Here you would find a yoga training school and a pool of trained yoga teachers. [Image courtesy By Marcocarvalho (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons]