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Yoga (Sanskrit, Pāli: योग yóga) refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines that originated in India.[1] The word is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.[2][3][4] Within Hinduism, it refers to one of the six orthodox (āstika) schools of Hindu philosophy, and to the goal towards which that school directs its practices.[5][6] In Jainism, yoga is the sum total of all activities — mental, verbal and physical.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Supine Yoga Poses, Lying Face Upward

The yoga poses which are done by keeping your back on the floor of near the floor are called supine poses or the poses done by ‘lying face upward’. Such poses manly provide exercises to the leg and hand muscles. In some of the poses the abdominal muscles and spine are also twisted and get much strain.
Fish Pose, Matsyasana
While doing any of the above poses, you are to keep one important point in mind: do not overstretch your body. Know the limit of your body and remain within that limit. If you find doing any of the poses difficult, do consult the trained yoga teacher. If you use proper yoga accessories, you would make the yoga experience joyful and helping.
Do try Doing These Supine Yoga Poses
  • Bridge Pose: When we do this pose, the pelvic muscles are stretched to its greatest length. This pose provides adequate exercise to many muscles like : the pelvic, abdominal and leg muscles. The spinal cord would be bent slightly while doing Bridge Pose or the Dwipada Pitham.
  • Plough Pose: This pose helps us stretching the muscles of our waist. So it improves the functioning of our veins. Moreover, it help giving adequate exercise to other parts of the body, too. While doing Halasana, our spine is stretched in full. It keeps the spine very elastic. If we do this pose regularly, the overall function of the spine is improved greatly.
  • Pavanmuktasana, Wind Releasing Pose: If we do this posture regularly after waking up from the sleep in the morning, it would help in regulating the movement of the gases present in body. It would be much beneficial if you do this pose in early morning. Important point to be noted is that this pose is to be done before taking any food or drink.

  • Urdhva Dhanurasana, Reverse Bow Pose: This posture provide greater stretches to the back muscles. It helps keeping back flexible and the spinal cord smoothly. Its regular practice provides help in that respect. The leg and shoulder muscles are strengthened to its fullest length.
  • Shoulder Stand Pose: This is also called sarvangasana. It benefits our body and mind in several ways. Doing this asana only the face remains upward. The whole body is placed on the strength of the shoulders only. It increases the flow of blood to our brain, and thus it would help in increasing the memory power.
  • Corpse Pose : Known as Shavasana or Relaxation Pose, this posture is done before and after doing a posture. It follows the meaning of its name and provides adequate relief to all the limbs of our body. If it is done before going to sleep, this pose helps in getting immediate and a deep sleep.
While doing the above poses your face would be upward. It would put your neck downside. If you feel any pain in your neck, your should use a Yoga Bolster or Yoga Cushion below your neck. It would make you feeling comfortable. You can buy a good quality bolster or the cushion from a departmental stores that sells yoga accessories like yoga mat.(Image courtesy By http://theholisticcare.com [CC-BY-3.0], from Wikimedia Commons)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

YOGA POSTURE: King Pigeon Pose, Backbend

Theme: Beck-bend Yoga Postures, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

While we do various yoga postures, our body takes various shapes. The names of yoga postures are given as per the shapes the posture makes. Sometimes it is named so looking to the benefits and the limbs of body it involves. Rajakapot Asana or the King Pigeon Pose makes renders our body in a particular shape. In the image given here it has a special name. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, as it involves on leg mainly.

This posture involves backbend posture. It helps opening the hip portion of our body. This posture involves the backbend intensely. So for the beginners, it would be advisable to do this asana in presence of a trained teacher.


YOGA POSTURES: Back-bend Poses

Learn Yoga Posture with ease. How to do Backbeds. Yoga postures render our body into various poses. Some of the yoga asana would render our whole body bending backward. Such postures can be labelled as ‘back bend’ postures, however there is no such classification of the postures. While doing these backbends we could experience a sense of freedom. Doing this also involves an element of courage, as the bending backward is not an easy job.
Such postures make our arms and shoulders more powerful. The spine would get proper exercise, too. The waist would get maximum stretch in some of the postures. It could help in reducing back pain, too. Here is some yoga posture that would require our body to bend in backside.
King Pigeon Pose
While we do various yoga postures, our body takes various shapes. The names of yoga postures are given as per the shapes the posture makes. Sometimes it is named so looking to the benefits and the limbs of body it involves.

One Leg Rajakapot Asana

Rajakapot Asana or the King Pigeon Pose renders our body in a particular shape. In the image given here it has a special name. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, as it involves on leg mainly.

Bow Pose: Meaning of the word Dhanur, a Sanskrit word, is ‘bow-shaped’. While doing this asana, the postures of our body looks like a ‘Bow’. Thus it is named so; Look at the above image. While doing DHANURASANA you should use good quality Yoga mat. It would be better if you use Yoga Foam Block, as the belly will be feeling much weight in this pose. This posture provides good exercise and stretches the leg and hand muscles. (Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)
Reverse Bow Pose
: There is another posture, exactly reverse of this one. It is called the Urdhva Dhanurasana, meaning reverse bow pose. The benefits of this posture are same as above.

Urdhva Dhanurasasa: This posture stretches the back muscles very much and provides relief in that respect. Leg and shoulder muscles are strengthened. Main thrust would be on the exercise of hip and spine.

Camel Pose:
While we do this posture, our whole body is stretched. The front of the body including the chest, abdomen, and quadriceps are stretched to their bearable limit. By doing so regularly for a period, we can improve the flexibility of our spinal cord and the area surrounding the spinal cord. It would benefit those more who are suffering from mild backache.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Yoga Postures: Halasana, Plough Pose, Sarva-anga Asana, Whole body Posture, Shirshasana, Head Stand. It is observed that many people get less blood flow in the brain and head. This could lead to lesser function by our brain. Or it may lead to gradual memory loss, too. Yoga Asana can be beneficial to such persons. The teachers and regular practitioners of yoga believe that if we do the postures that would keep our body in inverted position, it would help to increase the flow of blood to the brain. Here are some postures of Yoga that could help to those who face less flow of blood in head.

, the Plow Pose : To do this asana, you will have to be in the posture of 'Sarva-anga Asana'.
  • First of all lie on your Yoga Net: Keep the back flat on the floor and the palms rested downwards. Start inhaling, slowly. Now start it. Bend both the knees and draw them towards your stomach, and keep exhaling.
  • Start inhaling again and put all the pressure on the hands and try lifting your torso from the waist. It would make your spine in an ark shape. [Image courtesy By Joseph RENGER[see page for license], from Wikimedia Commons

SARVA-ANGA ASANA : Thesarvanga-asana benefits our body and mind in several ways. It increases the flow of blood to the upper parts of our body that helps healing many disorders. We can have beneficial effects of the problem in soaring of throat and nasal congestion. It helps in back pain. If you feel uneasy by sleeping much, you would feel relived after doing this asana. Above all this asana involves almost every limb of the body, as its name suggests, it keeps body healthy and fit. Regular practice would help in long run.
Shirshasana : Like all other yoga postures, Shirshasana would benefit us by making the muscles of our body stronger. It would help us to get relief from back pain or pain in leg and thigh muscles. As in this posture our head would be in the downside, it would enable the flow of blood to be in full force in our head. Thus it would heal in making our brain to function with more strength.
How To Do Shirshasana : First of all we are to stand straight and relax our body, this posture would require full strength of the body in action. If we are to prolong this posture more than one minute, it would test our physical abilities to withstand the pressure on various muscles of body. After getting properly relaxed, we can position the body in a pose where we would keep it on the base of legs and arms. Ankles should create a triangle like position near head.
Raj Grivasana: This posture is one of the easiest postures. Generaaly this posture is done first while doing Sirsasana. However, This pose, RajaGrivasana is itself an independent pose, known as 'Head Stand Posture'.
When we are doing the inverted asanas, we are acting against the force of gravity. This would give feeling some strange facts about our body and the functioning of various systems. We could feel rejuvenated experiencing a new perspective of life and health.

Monday, April 5, 2010

YOGA POSTURES: Forward Bend Poses

Bala Aasana-Child PoseBalasana, The Child Pose. Other Forward-Bend Yoga Postures.

The yoga postures render our body in different positions. There is hardly any muscle or limb that is not being activated by one of these asana. Here some postures putting our body in forward bend postures are given. These postures help stretching all the limbs that we might not be stretching while doing our general work. These exercises and yoga postures provide good exercises to calves, hips and the hamstrings. Hath Yoga has devised postures providing complete exercise to all of the limbs and muscles of our body. This posture, Balasana, Child Pose is one of the simplest yoga postures. It provides exercises to back muscles and calves. (Image courtesy By http://theholisticcare.com [CC-BY-3.0], from Wikimedia Commons)
How to do Child Pose
Before doing this posture, you can seat in Vajrasana, The Thunderbolt posture. It’s a posture where we sit kneeling on the floor keeping the knees wide.
After that position, just exhale and let the head be touching the floor. The whole torso would be pasted on the thighs. The hands would be simply put backwards alongside the torso. The shoulder should be as near to the floor as possible. This posture can be practiced as one of the relaxing postures like Corpse Pose.
UTTANASANA:Any of the variations of these Standing Forward bend postures would work as stress reducing exercise. You would feel that the element of fatigue and anxiety is considerably reduced after doing this posture. There are certain postures that would benefit much if these asana done in sequence.

Paschimottanasana : This postures is relatively an easy one. You can feel very much relaxed after doing this asana. It provides good exercise to the muscles of back, legs and the hands. It is advised for weight loss and back pain. This posture would provide enough exercise to the caves, too.
SINHASANA, the Lion Pose: Regular practice of Lion Pose would help to improve the memory power. The mind would function with renewed flow of the energy. While doing this asana, we would find that our respiration become regularizes. Due to the regularized and respiration, you would get improvement if you are suffering from throat-trouble.
ONE FOOT POSE: One would not find it very difficult to do the One Foot Pose. You can try it once and would learn how to do it frequently. This forward-bend posture has all the benefits of yoga in general. But specifically it helps strengthening leg muscles and the back muscles.
If you are a new entrant in this yoga exercises, you should not remain in one posture for more time. Avoid being in one posture for longer period, as it would make your limbs paining a little bit. Ensure that you get proper and enough rest between two sessions of exercises, too. You can rest in Shavasana, as it would give you more energy to go to the next session of doing yoga postures.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Our anatomy is made of bones and the joints. The joints get friction when we move our body. Hence the lubricating material that keeps out joints so smoothly working gets depreciated. These lubricating materials are again received from our intake of balanced food. But in cases of over use of our body parts, certain part gets much imbalanced. This creates pain after a certain period. The pain in hip joints is one of the outcomes of such over use of our body part.
Yoga Postures for Hip Joints
Dwipada Pitham:
The yoga postures are devised to give us relief from certain pain. Regular practice of these yoga asana would help rectifying the loss done by our lifestyle. Here are certain yoga postures that could help in easing the pain in hip joints. For maintaining healthy condition of hip joints, certain movements are necessary. These Yoga Postures here would do that job for us. Some of the postures should be done with a trained teacher only.

Cobra Pose:
It is experienced that the Cobra Pose, that is known as Bhujangasana is one of the most useful exercises for those who have complaints about lower back aches. The regular practicing of this Yogasana would help decreasing some stiffness in the lower back, even in the initial stage of exercising. Cobra Pose provides strain to the muscles in chest area, so it enlarges the chest and strengthens arms.

This is one of the easy types of asanas. You would hardly find any difficulty in doing it. Wind releasing posture helps in releasing the gas from intestines.
  • First lie down on the floor or the Yoga net, with legs kept straight and in forwards position.
  • Taking a deep breath, start bending both the knees. Alternatively you can bring in only one knee, and repeat the same for another.
  • Release breath and press the folded legs near to abdomen, as near as you can.

Plow Pose is another posture that could help in curing the hip joints. Those who face acute pain for him joint should avoid doing this; and those who wants to do it. they should do this pose in the presence of a trained teacher only.

Halasana is a Sanskrit word made of two words, Hala and Asana. Meaning of Hala is ‘plough’. While doing this asana our body looks like a ‘Plough’. So it is named ‘Plough Pose’.

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