Learn Yoga Posture with ease. How to do Backbeds. Yoga postures render our body into various poses. Some of the yoga asana would render our whole body bending backward. Such postures can be labelled as ‘back bend’ postures, however there is no such classification of the postures. While doing these backbends we could experience a sense of freedom. Doing this also involves an element of courage, as the bending backward is not an easy job.
Such postures make our arms and shoulders more powerful. The spine would get proper exercise, too. The waist would get maximum stretch in some of the postures. It could help in reducing back pain, too. Here is some yoga posture that would require our body to bend in backside.

King Pigeon Pose While we do various yoga postures, our body takes various shapes. The names of yoga postures are given as per the shapes the posture makes. Sometimes it is named so looking to the benefits and the limbs of body it involves.
One Leg Rajakapot Asana
Rajakapot Asana or the King Pigeon Pose renders our body in a particular shape. In the image given here it has a special name. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, as it involves on leg mainly.

Bow Pose: Meaning of the word Dhanur, a Sanskrit word, is ‘bow-shaped’. While doing this asana, the postures of our body looks like a ‘Bow’. Thus it is named so; Look at the above image. While doing DHANURASANA you should use good quality Yoga mat. It would be better if you use Yoga Foam Block, as the belly will be feeling much weight in this pose. This posture provides good exercise and stretches the leg and hand muscles. (Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Reverse Bow Pose: There is another posture, exactly reverse of this one. It is called the Urdhva Dhanurasana, meaning reverse bow pose. The benefits of this posture are same as above.
Urdhva Dhanurasasa: This posture stretches the back muscles very much and provides relief in that respect. Leg and shoulder muscles are strengthened. Main thrust would be on the exercise of hip and spine.
Camel Pose: While we do this posture, our whole body is stretched. The front of the body including the chest, abdomen, and quadriceps are stretched to their bearable limit. By doing so regularly for a period, we can improve the flexibility of our spinal cord and the area surrounding the spinal cord. It would benefit those more who are suffering from mild backache.
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