Yoga Postures: Halasana, Plough Pose, Sarva-anga Asana, Whole body Posture, Shirshasana, Head Stand. It is observed that many people get less blood flow in the brain and head. This could lead to lesser function by our brain. Or it may lead to gradual memory loss, too. Yoga Asana can be beneficial to such persons. The teachers and regular practitioners of yoga believe that if we do the postures that would keep our body in inverted position, it would help to increase the flow of blood to the brain. Here are some postures of Yoga that could help to those who face less flow of blood in head.

- First of all lie on your Yoga Net: Keep the back flat on the floor and the palms rested downwards. Start inhaling, slowly. Now start it. Bend both the knees and draw them towards your stomach, and keep exhaling.
- Start inhaling again and put all the pressure on the hands and try lifting your torso from the waist. It would make your spine in an ark shape. [Image courtesy By Joseph RENGER[see page for license], from Wikimedia Commons
SARVA-ANGA ASANA : Thesarvanga-asana benefits our body and mind in several ways. It increases the flow of blood to the upper parts of our body that helps healing many disorders. We can have beneficial effects of the problem in soaring of throat and nasal congestion. It helps in back pain. If you feel uneasy by sleeping much, you would feel relived after doing this asana. Above all this asana involves almost every limb of the body, as its name suggests, it keeps body healthy and fit. Regular practice would help in long run.
Shirshasana : Like all other yoga postures, Shirshasana would benefit us by making the muscles of our body stronger. It would help us to get relief from back pain or pain in leg and thigh muscles. As in this posture our head would be in the downside, it would enable the flow of blood to be in full force in our head. Thus it would heal in making our brain to function with more strength.
How To Do Shirshasana : First of all we are to stand straight and relax our body, this posture would require full strength of the body in action. If we are to prolong this posture more than one minute, it would test our physical abilities to withstand the pressure on various muscles of body. After getting properly relaxed, we can position the body in a pose where we would keep it on the base of legs and arms. Ankles should create a triangle like position near head.
Raj Grivasana: This posture is one of the easiest postures. Generaaly this posture is done first while doing Sirsasana. However, This pose, RajaGrivasana is itself an independent pose, known as 'Head Stand Posture'.
When we are doing the inverted asanas, we are acting against the force of gravity. This would give feeling some strange facts about our body and the functioning of various systems. We could feel rejuvenated experiencing a new perspective of life and health.
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