Our anatomy is made of bones and the joints. The joints get friction when we move our body. Hence the lubricating material that keeps out joints so smoothly working gets depreciated. These lubricating materials are again received from our intake of balanced food. But in cases of over use of our body parts, certain part gets much imbalanced. This creates pain after a certain period. The pain in hip joints is one of the outcomes of such over use of our body part.
Yoga Postures for Hip Joints

Dwipada Pitham: The yoga postures are devised to give us relief from certain pain. Regular practice of these yoga asana would help rectifying the loss done by our lifestyle. Here are certain yoga postures that could help in easing the pain in hip joints. For maintaining healthy condition of hip joints, certain movements are necessary. These Yoga Postures here would do that job for us. Some of the postures should be done with a trained teacher only.

Cobra Pose: It is experienced that the Cobra Pose, that is known as Bhujangasana is one of the most useful exercises for those who have complaints about lower back aches. The regular practicing of this Yogasana would help decreasing some stiffness in the lower back, even in the initial stage of exercising. Cobra Pose provides strain to the muscles in chest area, so it enlarges the chest and strengthens arms.

PAVANMUKTASANA: This is one of the easy types of asanas. You would hardly find any difficulty in doing it. Wind releasing posture helps in releasing the gas from intestines.
- First lie down on the floor or the Yoga net, with legs kept straight and in forwards position.
- Taking a deep breath, start bending both the knees. Alternatively you can bring in only one knee, and repeat the same for another.
- Release breath and press the folded legs near to abdomen, as near as you can.

Halasana is a Sanskrit word made of two words, Hala and Asana. Meaning of Hala is ‘plough’. While doing this asana our body looks like a ‘Plough’. So it is named ‘Plough Pose’.
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