Yoga postures are various positions of our body. But these postures or Asanas are not only the position given to body.
Sun Salutation Pose (Suryanamaskar)
In addition of providing good exercise to our body, yoga postures provide us with opportunities to create or it is an attempt synthesizing our mind and body. It is just like a fusion of human mind and physical strength.
Yoga: The regular practice of doing the yoga postures could render us with more awareness towards the exact relationship between our mind and body. After ding this exercises for a period, one might start feeling that his or her body moves with balance and grace, her or his mind functions with mental and physical balance. Thus the yoga asanas are not merely a collection of exercises or the sets of physical activities, but it is the system that is developed and time to time refined over the ages.
Yoga Schools: There are certain schools of teaching yoga and yoga asana. These schools are not the water tight compartments teaching different yoga postures, but they use different techniques, and their goal is common. These schools are not different from each other in many respects, and they are or have been recognised as part of one another in different times, too.
If ware to look at a few yoga schools teaching the yoga in the various ways, the first we would remember would be Ashtanga Yoga.
Ashtanga Yoga: This system of yoga asanas is devised by Patanjali. It is believed to be as old as 5000 years. Perhaps the most beneficial of all other yoga system, ashtanga yoga comprises eight fold path for those who want to practice it. These eight aspects through which a yogi, a desirous person to walk on the path of yoga, travels is like this: Yama , Niyama, Asana, (yoga postures), Pranayama (breathing technique), Prayahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana, Dhyan (meditation), and Samadhi (salvation). (Image courtesy By Joseph RENGER [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC-BY-SA-2.5-2.0-1.0], from Wikimedia Commons)
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