The meaning of ‘Padma’, a Sanskrit word, is lotus. While sitting in this posture, the human body looks like a lotus. Thus it is named ‘Padma Asana’. Padmasana is basic posture for many yogic acts. If you want to do chanting for longer hours it is convenient to sit in this asana. As narrated by Patanjali, sitting in this posture makes the energy of human body takes it natural shape, helping to heal several disorders in the body. It is believed that those who practice Padmasana would get help in awaking Kundalini.
Sitting Yoga Postures
VAJRA ASANA,The Thunderbolt Yoga Posture : It has been noticed that regular practice of this asana increases the secretion from the glands, which are vital for the physical and mental health of a person. Along with other benefits of doing Yogic posture, Vajrasana, the Thunderbolt Yoga Posture helps the digestion process and assists in eliminating the gastric troubles. Those who suffer from the pain in knee would be benefited by doing this posture.
Paschimottanasana :This postures is relatively an easy one. You can feel very much relaxed after doing this asana. It provides good excercise to the muscles of back, legs and the hands. It is advised for weight loss and back pain.
Ardha Matsyendrasana: This asana was devised my a Yogi whose name was Matsyendra. So the Yoga Posture is named after his name. As the Purn Matsyendra is difficult for the beginners, the Half Spinal Twist Posture is devised. It is called the Ardh Matsyendrasana.
These sitting postures help keeping our body in a particular positions for a time. Here are some of the Yoga Asanas, the postures, which can be termed as Yoga Postures in Sitting Positions. These postures would affect different systems in human body like muscular, respiratory, circulation, digestive, excretory, reproductive, endocrine, nervous system.These asanas are to be performed after keeping our body in sitting position: both legs together and stretched, toes erect, spine erect and both hands straight and palms resting on floor. By Marcocarvalho [CC-BY-3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
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