Salama Sirasana known as the King of asanas. As in a story of the King and the Queen other role in the same way the asanas role also play a different. The Queen of PoznaĆ, the position of the shoulder helps in the development of the right brain, by stability and patience. While, enabled the brain brain pressing by the walls of the dark vision clear links.
You can not this Asana master in first attempt. You must learn to charge it slowly and evenly without the neck and back. The presence of a yoga teacher would be the best start this Asana. After many try, and through the use of props such as the wall you can this Asana a Maestro.
As the blood flow to the brain improves the blood circulation and a calming effect shows your body and helps relieve stress. Compared with the back, this pose in the soothing you helps Poznan tense nervous system. The pressure on your shoulders and head make it stronger. Fresh supplies of blood are their brains, so that more for better health get it. Blood circulation of fewer diseases. It helps to relax and remove fatigue from your body.
The problems and complaints you are with your chest, such as bronchitis, asthma, and shortness of breath a sense of relief through this Asana have. Improves your digestion through this Asana and stimulation is provided to the pituitary and pineal glands. The head stand legs and spine, such as the entire pressure helps to strengthen your arms, it was exercised. The internal organs are weakened by this Asana, which strengthens your lungs also. This Asana is very therapeutic as you diseases such as asthma, infertility, insomnia, and sinus pressure.
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