Requirements for yoga
"Knowledge (jnana) comes not from the practice of Yoga methods only." Perfection in knowledge is in fact only for those with the practice of virtue (Dharma). Still, without yoga as a means of knowledge is not over. The practice of Yoga methods is not the money itself, but it's just that the practice of Yoga that perfection in knowledge. And is told by the teacher: "Yoga for the application of the knowledge of the truth" "ADI Shankara wrote."
All things rest on something else-that is, all things are supported by another. This is because it is a necessary basis for anything to exist. Is the ultimate support of all things, God is only free of this need. Yoga, then, requires support. Commentary on the Yoga Sutras as Trevor Leggett in his introduction to ADI Shankara says: "that is presented for the man in the world, which must be first clear, yoga and then stable, passions and his life are free from complications very against the anger of the illusion." Patanjali of very carefully and completely the elements of the support of the candidate, give valuable information about the success in the Yoga to ensure.
The first Yoga Sutra says: "now the exhibition of yoga," implies that there must be something before the Yoga in the form of necessary developments of consciousness and personality. These terms and conditions are considered the pillars of yoga can, and are known as the Yama and Niyama.
Yama and Niyama
Yama and Niyama are often referred to "the ten commandments of Yoga". Each of these five prohibitions (Yama) and five do's (Niyama) is a mainstay of yoga, releasing. Yama means self-control in the sense of self-control or abstention, and consists of five elements. Niyama commemorate means, of which there are five. Hier ist die Liste dieser Zehn Saeulen in den Yoga-Sutras niedergelegten 2: 30, 32: 1) ahimsa: non-violence, non-infringement, safety 2) Satya: truthfulness, honesty 3) asteya: don't steal not Misappropriativeness, honesty, 4) Brahmacharya: sexual abstinence in thought, Word and Tatund control over all 5 senses) Aparigraha: nicht-Besitzgier, nicht-nicht-Habsucht, Egoismus, nicht-Habgier 6) Shaucha: Purity, cleanliness Santosha: satisfaction 7), rest 8) tapas: austerity, practical (i.e. result produce) mental discipline 9) Swadhyaya: introspective self-study, spiritual study 10) Ishwarapranidhana: the life offers all these God which deal with the innate powers man or better with the abstinence and compliance that will develop and that powers late on our spiritual perfection, our self-realization and liberation.
These ten restrictions (Yama) and observances (Niyama) are aspiring Yogi or Yogi for the most advanced not to, optionally either. ADI Shankara is very powerful, that "next Yama and Niyama the initial qualification for yoga practice." Only wish and pursuit of the objective of Yoga is not enough, so he goes on: "the qualification is not only, who wants a practice of yoga, the Holy text says:" but he, which first has gone from his wickedness, which is not peaceful and zurückhaltendoder whose spirit not at rest, he can never get by know. "(Katha Upanishad 1.2.24) and in the Atharva text: ' it is tapas [strong discipline] and Brahmacharya [chastity] in this, the truth is set up." (Questioning Upanishad 1: 15)And in the Gita: 'steadfast in their vows of Brahmacharya.' (Bhagavad Gita 6: 14) As Yama and Niyama are methods of Yoga "on themselves and not mere accessories or AIDS which may be optional."
But at the same time that practice of Yoga helps the aspiring Yogi to following the Yama and Niyama necessary due, so that he should not take Yoga now think that it must wait until he is "ready" or "adjusted his act" yoga practice. No. He must resolutely at the same time on Yama, Niyama, and yoga. Success will be.
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