Friday, April 8, 2011

Baddha Konasana-a large Asana for hip and groin

Baddha Konasana (bound angle pose) is also known as the poser Shoemaker due to the similarity to a Cobblers in a sitting position. It is an excellent Asana helps your groin and hip position. It is a turn attitude which shapes staff or Dandasana. You must bend knees by bringing together the soles of the feet. This Asana bend is very different from the other forward turn asanas. The focus in this Asana is to open help from the hip and pelvic area. This help information to the pelvic area stimulates the reproductive organs, the great help for women and men are. The performance of this Asana also helps to relieve the pain of menstrual cramps. It is very useful to a comfortable birth, if practiced regularly during pregnancy. In the context of deleted menopause problems.

Baddha Konasana stimulates internal organs, as well as the ovaries, prostate, bladder and kidneys. There are the cycle your heart which improved and provides all necessary to help, your body's energy. This Asana is the inside of the thighs and knees, groin, your body will look like an agile and toned. You have problems such as depression or anxiety disorder, this Asana help you to overcome this problem. People with sciatica problem can by running one of these Asana regularly discusses. It is a large Asana due to its enormous benefits for our body aching and painting. It is known that a therapeutic treatment of flat feet and similar other problems are solved through this Asana. The practice of the Baddha Konasana prevents, that the attack of many other diseases.

The forward bend posture helps to open the back of the anahata chakra. It can be used considerably lower back pain problems. This Asana should also at the beginning of the hips, or at the end to relax to open your body. If you have a bar or knee injuries, you avoid this Asana. It is very important, this Asana sitting on a blanket, if support is to your thighs you do. This Asana is very important, if it is done properly and gets enough time at every step. This is a very tough pose to manage; Maybe you need help your yoga teacher or partner. You can add this pose much deeper by variations create. It can by the arms above be extended with the Palm trees to the ground and forehead on the floor written by the extension of the spine.

Warning: the readers of this article should exercise all precautions, before you one of the asanas of the site and carry out in this article. To prevent problems doing the asanas, it is recommended that you are a doctor and a Yoga instructor. The responsibility lies exclusively with the reader and not with the website or the writer.


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