Friday, April 8, 2011

Bhakti yoga-the science of devotion

Bhakti means devotion to the Almighty. Bhakti yoga deals with devotion to God and the achievement of the Union with him. This is the simplest of all types of yoga. This branch of Yoga teaches the relationship between the devotee and the divine. There is no technical or complex procedures. There is no need for a mental ability to master this yoga. It has made to the common man, because it it a sense of security and a kind of dependency and the dependence of the object of his devotion is.

Bhakti Yoga assumes that it makes a higher that the universe is created and is exalted. This privilege has the possibility of leave granted the protection of all harms and evil grace and mercy on him and him. The devotee or Bhakta is expected to be fit to receive this divine grace. But has he, devotion and practice virtue. His ultimate goal should be to combine divine power and rest forever in happiness and peace with this. The devotee surrenders all his motives and acts of the divine power. He dispensed with all responsibilities to the good or bad follow the will of top all his actions and the attributes.

Commitment and believe play a crucial role in this branch of yoga. The devotee or Bhakta is to be very religious, take a friendly attitude towards all other living beings, including animals, read religious texts, focus on the symbol of the divine, think and wishes also to others, etc.. The beauty of this yoga lies in its simplicity. This is one of sexiest created all kinds of yoga. This Yoga developed by the peace of mind in a person. A peaceful person is always happy and prosperous thoughts thinking and will thus lead a happy life.


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