Sunday, April 10, 2011


Almost everyone has the fact, that when you start up his mind on an immediate object or idea, the spirit experience Rover begins. It is very difficult, the spirit with a single thought deal. The old Sage has found the same problems. In Gita, Arjuna had said that the spirit on the Earth a impossible control. Therefore, he was advised by Krishna, that although mind control is hard, you calm and steadily through regular practice of Vairagya and Abhyasa can be set. He has however, that warned Yoga for people whose thoughts are not stable and controlled very difficult. Pantanjali Yoga Sutra, in has highlighted these two properties achieving mind control. Therefore, these are the properties, the essence of yoga.

Spirit is like a disturbed pond with many impurities. First you have to impurities of the mind stop the influx of fresh contamination and delete the existing clean. Abhyasa is one of the methods for the purification of the mind. Dhyana is one of the Sub practices of Abhyasa. This is a stage, that a person reaches concentration for some time to practice. At the beginning of dhyana, the spirit is more even and only a thought about an object is created in the mind. Now, it's safe to say that the State of dhyana is reached. Here, the spirit is very stable as the flame of a lamp in a calm atmosphere and is intense and complete his contact with the goal of experience.

There are two types of dhyana named Sagunadhyana and Nirgunadhyana. In the first dhyana is attached the silence of the spirit of an experience, with the senses can be experienced object. The second is entirely mental. It implies complete absorption of the spirit itself. The spirit is here, linked to an external object. It is still in this State. This view is still, quiet and sensitive, that no previous, current and future event can understand you that could have happened anywhere in the universe.


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